Hat trick Post
I traveled about 113.4 miles today.
I don't know if there is a cycling version of a hat trick, but three century days in a row seems like it should count for something. Saw the rest of the Oregon coast, really great stuff. Entered California, stopped for a bit in crescent city to charge the phone and switch my tires, front to rear. Decided to push on another thirty miles to prairie creek campground. Had an incredible ride through some redwood forest, there are really big trees here. Met Frank and Mika, then David, on my way to camp. They all made it too, which was good. Lots of people here, too many to meet them all. Funny coincidence, David, Frank, and Mika are all from Boston. Need to stop by Eureka tomorrow, get some food, new batteries for the spot. I'll probably continue on to a campground further along afterwards. If I can keep this up, I should be able to get to SF a day earlier than I had planned. I'm super motivated by finishing this trip at this point. It's not that I want it to be over because I'm not enjoying it. It's that extra bit you give when you can see the finish line up ahead. That, and I'm daydreaming about crossing the golden gate bridge and finally dipping my wheels in the Pacific. I'm just really excited for that to happen.
Posted: 10:45 07-31-2016 123
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