Sandy Shores Post

Went over to the Watertown brewery after mighty ducks ended, a little after 4. I meet Scott and Marcus there, and talked about my trip a little and shared some pictures. Really cool guys, they were kind enough to pick up my tab. I was a particular fan of the IPA and porter. Got some subway for dinner (yum), then biked a few miles west of town to the Sandy Shores state park to camp for the night. This was kind of the textbook ideal day for a trip like this: early(ish) start, strong biking through the morning and early afternoon, finding a chance movie screening at the local library, meeting some cool people at the local brewery, and camping by a lake watching the sunset. I feel very fortunate and happy to be able to do this trip and be supported by so many people.
Posted: 20:07 06-24-2016 72
Jun 30, 2016 - Scott
I hope things are going well for you Kory in your travels it was great to have met you at Watertown Brewery Wish you all the best!!
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