July 4 Post
I traveled about 6 miles today.
Transcribed from notebook, July 4: Rest day at Devils Tower. Biked to gate for lunch, postcard, snacks, sticker. Hiked about four miles on tower trail and red bed trail. Red trail very good, best way to see the tower. Met Frank in AM, had breakfast. Very interesting fellow, living the dream of living and working at devils tower. Phone completely shot by now, wrote out directions to Glasgow, should arrive by July 8, when a new phone will be waiting for me at the post office. Will be a fun few days to Glasgow (I'm excited, venturing into the unknown). A fitting way to celebrate the 4th of July. No fireworks (because it's so dry), just the wonder of one of the greatest places in the United States. During dinner, a big wind came through with some rain to the east of the tower. We saw a brilliant double rainbow stretching across the sky, with the upper arc touching down right on top of the tower. Far better light show than any fireworks I've ever seen. Early to bed, early to rise. Big day tomorrow.
Posted: 7:46 07-04-2016 90
Jul 10, 2016 - bren
It's so wonderful to hear how strangers help each other! I liked
your reference to the Charlie Daniels song! Looking forward to
more updates and hope you have time to take photos.
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